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Understanding and Viewing Wildlife

North America has unparalleled opportunities to view wildlife. In particular, western Canada and the United States are renowned for their black and grizzly bears, cougar, wolves, elk, bighorn sheep and mountain goats. Let Mountain Nature Network be your guide to North American Wildlife.

Identify an Animal. Mountain Nature Network offers more ways to identify the animals of the Rockies than any other web site. No book can compare with the simplicity you will find here.

Bear Safety. If you are spending time in the mountains than you also need to become bear aware. Knowledge is the key to ensuring the safety of both you and the bear.

How much do you really know about bears and safe travel within bear country? Take this test and see. Last years abundance of bear incidents has greatly illustrated the need for more knowledge. Go ahead, take the test.

Search for recent sightings. Our sightings database allows you to search for sightings of any of our growing list of animals. This can help you reduce the challenge of finding a new species for your life list.

Record your sightings. Any sighting worth having is also worth recording. Use our interactive sightings database to record your sightings, view your life list and contribute to the work of researchers studying the animals of the Rocky Mountains.

Ecology and Wildlife Biology. Mountain Nature Network is your source for current research and up to date information about the adaptations of animals to the mountain landscape.

Guide to Ethical Wildlife Watching. We all want to see animals, but the enthusiasm with which many people seek them out also threatens their survival.